Everyone’s Business cultural capability training

Everyone’s Business is a cultural capability training package for the NSW public sector workforce. It is designed to help us all understand Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and how past policies and practices continue to affect the community today.  

Through this training, NSW public sector employees will learn how to support and build culturally safe work spaces and services across NSW. 

The training contains a calendar of significant dates and events, a cultural awareness journey, and trauma informed e-learning modules about the Stolen Generations. Each part of Everyone’s Business provides important first-hand knowledge and information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their culture. The Public Service Commissions project team worked closely with Stolen Generations survivors and their organisations, the Aboriginal community, and experts across the NSW public sector to develop Everyone’s Business.

The Burraga Foundation worked alongside the Public Service Commissions, content and learning development teams, to provision the Everyone’s Business online learning spaces and SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Models) compatible modules, for distribution to whole of NSW Government and NSW NGO sectors. more.